Even the crazy weather we received on Saturday couldn't keep me from celebrating Lori's wedding day with her and her new husband, Scott. The wedding was beautiful and full of Fall splendor with pumpkin shaped baskets filled with flowers, fallen leaves on the aisle, pumpkin martinis, costume changes and orange hues in all directions, including the shoes. I had the pleasure of doing a very fun and Lori-like reading from Shel Silverstein and I was truly honored to have been part of Lori's day.
Lori and I met in fifth grade. I remember being excited to meet someone who like me had a last name with a vowel at the end. Lori was spunky and fun and I knew we would be friends. We later found out that my grandfather sold his car to her dad many years ago, what a small world. We had some funny moments like walking down the street singing "santa packs are coming, santa packs are coming", all those drives through Revere looking for Teddy and of course, I have to bring it up, the infamous wedding debacle. The wedding that changed the way I would feel about every being a bridesmaid again. Lori and I will never forget that wedding, the one that ended with a gift of dried minestrone soup, a picture frame and a seat on the grooms side near the kitchen. We laugh about it every time we talk about it and it is one of those things that you have to talk about because we still can't believe it happened.
Lori I am so happy we met all those years ago in our fifth grade class and that we stayed friends. As you always wrote in my yearbook, "we have to be friends, we're Italian, we like Seinfeld and we're 5'3". It still makes me laugh. And now in honor you and your wedding day, I dedicate my "special" minestrone recipe to you. Here it is......
Yields 4 servings
Place a pot on the stove, add 3 cups of water to the pot. Turn on heat and bring to a simmer. Open your jar of dehydrated minestrone soup mix and add to the water. Let simmer for about fifteen minutes, until veggies are rehydrated and pasta is al dente. Serve with an iced cold Diet Coke. Enjoy!
Congrats again Lori! Woo Hoo!
*I apologize to those that don't get the joke, but this one is for Lori!
I just re-read this. I had missed the part about the diet coke. I just laughed so hard I scared my dog. lmao. that sounds like the best soup recipe EVER.